For an up to date list, see this list at the US National Library of Medicine.
Keane, BP, Silverstein SM, Papathomas TV, Krekelberg B. Correcting visual acuity beyond 20/20 improves contour element detection and integration: A cautionary tale for studies of special populations. PLOS ONE, 19(9), e0310678. (2024)
Sanchez-Romero R, Akyuz S, Krekelberg B. EFMouse: a Matlab toolbox to model electric fields in the mouse brain. BioRXiv. (2024).
Keane BP, Krekelberg B, Mill RD, Silverstein SM, Thompson J, Serody M, Barch DM, & Cole, MW. Dorsal attention network activity during perceptual organization is distinct in schizophrenia and predictive of cognitive disorganization. European Journal of Neuroscience 57(3):458-478. doi:10.1111/ejn.15889 (2023)
Schielke A, Krekelberg B (2022). Steady-state visual evoked potentials in schizophrenia: A review. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Ekhtiari, H. et al. A checklist for assessing the methodological quality of concurrent tES-fMRI studies (ContES checklist): a consensus study and statement. Nature Protocols 17 (3): 596–617 (2022).
Krekelberg B, Morris AP, Cloherty S. Neurostim: visual neuroscience experiments using Matlab and the Psychophysics Toolbox. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7006340 (2022).
Multiple sclerosis reduces synchrony of the magnocellular pathway. Seraji M, Mohebbi M, Safari A, Krekelberg B. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255324,(2021).
N-Methyl d-Aspartate Receptor Hypofunction Reduces Visual Contextual Integration. Schielke A, Krekelberg B. Journal of Vision 21, 9, (2021).
Brain network mechanisms of visual shape completion, Keane BP, Barch DM, Mill RD, Silverstein SM, Krekelberg B1, Cole MW1. Brain network mechanisms of visual shape completion. Neuroimage 236:118069: (2021) 1co-senior authors.
Kar K, Ito, T, Cole MW, Krekelberg B. Transcranial current stimulation attenuates BOLD adaptation and increases functional connectivity. Journal of Neurophysiology 123, 428-438 (2020).
Krekelberg B. A Matlab toolbox for Bayes Factor statistical analysis. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4394423 (2020).
Schielke A, Krekelberg B. A Matlab toolbox for HPC Job Management using SLURM. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4394426 (2020)
Quiroga, M, Morris, A. P., & Krekelberg, B. Short-Term Attractive Tilt Aftereffects Predicted by a Recurrent Network Model of Primary Visual Cortex. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 13, 1–14 (2019).
Morris AP, Krekelberg B. A Stable Visual World in Primate Primary Visual Cortex. Current Biology 29, 1471-1480 (2019).
Keane BP, Paterno D, Kastner S, Krekelberg B, Silverstein SM. Intact illusory contour formation but equivalently impaired visual shape completion in first- and later-episode schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 128(1):57-68 (2019).
Liu A, Vöröslakos M, Kronberg G, Henin S, Krause MR, Huang Y, Opitz A, Mehta A, Pack CC, Krekelberg B, Berényi A, Parra LC, Melloni L, Devinsky O, Buzsáki G. Immediate neurophysiological effects of transcranial electric stimulation. Nature Communications. 9(1):5092 (2018).
Klingenhoefer S, Krekelberg B. Perisaccadic visual perception. Journal of Vision. 17(9): 1-14 (2017).
Kar K, Duijnhouwer J, Krekelberg B. Transcranial alternating current stimulation attenuates neuronal adaptation. Journal of Neuroscience 2266-16 (2017).
Joukes J, Yunguo Y, Victor J, Krekelberg B. Recurrent network dynamics; a link between form and motion. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 11:12 (2017).
Quiroga M, Morris AP, Krekelberg B. Adaptation without plasticity. Cell Reports 17(58):68 (2016).
Morris AP, Bremmer F, Krekelberg B. The Dorsal Visual System Predicts Future and Remembers Past Eye Position. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 10:9 (2016).
Kar K, Krekelberg B. Testing the assumptions underlying fMRI adaptation using intracortical recordings in area MT. Cortex. 21-34 (2016).
Duijnhouwer J, Krekelberg B. The role of evidence and counter-evidence in motion perception. Cerebral Cortex 10:1093 (2015).
Joukes J, Hartmann TS, Krekelberg B. A recurrent network model for motion detection. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8:239 (2014).
Wright J, Krekelberg B. Transcranial direct current stimulation over posterior parietal cortex modulates visuospatial localization. Journal of Vision 14(9):5 (2014).
Kar K, Krekelberg B. Transcranial alternating current stimulation attenuates adaptation. Journal of Neuroscience 34:7334-7340 (2014).
Patterson C, Duijnhouwer J, Krekelberg B, Kohn A. Similar adaptation effects in primary visual cortex and area MT of the macaque monkey under matched stimulus conditions. Journal of Neurophysiology 111:1203-1213 (2014).
Krekelberg B, van Wezel RJA. Neural mechanisms of speed perception: transparent motion. Journal of Neurophysiology 110:2007-2018 (2013).
Morris AP, Bremmer F, Krekelberg B. Eye position signals in the dorsal visual system are accurate and precise on short time scales. Journal of Neuroscience. 33:12395-12406 (2013).
Guez J, Morris AP, Krekelberg B. Intrasaccadic suppression is dominated by a gain change. Journal of Vision: 13(8):4 (2013).
Schreiber K & Krekelberg B. The statistical analysis of multivoxel patterns in functional imaging. Public Library of Science One: 8 (7):e69328 (2013).
Richert, M, Albright TD, Krekelberg B. The complex structure of receptive fields in the middle temporal area. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 7:2 (2013).
Kar K, Krekelberg B. Transcranial electrical stimulation over visual cortex evokes phosphenes with a retinal origin. Journal of Neurophysiology 108: 2173-2178 (2012).
Morris AP, Kubischik M, Hoffmann, KP, Krekelberg B, Bremmer F. Dynamics of eye-position signals in the dorsal visual system. Current Biology 22:1-7 (2012).
Wright J, Morris AP, Krekelberg B. Weighted integration of visual position information. Journal of Vision 11:11 (2011).
Hartmann TS, Bremmer F, Albright TD, Krekelberg B. Receptive field positions in area MT during slow eye movements. Journal of Neuroscience 31:10437-10444 (2011).
Ibbotson M, Krekelberg B. Visual Perception and Saccadic Eye Movements. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 21:553-558 (2011).
Krekelberg B. Microsaccades. Current Biology 21:R416 (2011).
Watson TL, Krekelberg B. An equivalent noise investigation of saccadic suppression. Journal of Neuroscience 30:9821-9830 (2011).
Duijnhouwer J, Krekelberg B, van den Berg A, van Wezel RJA. Temporal Integration of Focus Position Signal during Compensation for Pursuit in Optic Flow. Journal of Vision 10:541 (2010).
Morris AP, Liu CC, Cropper SJ, Forte JD, Krekelberg B, Mattingley JB. Summation of visual motion across eye movements reflects a non-spatial decision mechanism. Journal of Neuroscience 30:9821-9830 (2010).
Krekelberg B. Saccadic Suppression. Current Biology 20 R228 (2010).
Bremmer F, Kubischik M, Hoffmann KP, Krekelberg B. Temporal Dynamics of Saccadic Suppression. Journal of Neuroscience 29:12374-12383 (2009).
Chahine G, Krekelberg B. Cortical Contributions to Saccadic Suppression. Public Library of Science One 4 (9):e600 (2009).
Watson TL, Krekelberg B. The Relationship between Perceptual Stability and Saccadic Suppression. Current Biology: 19:1040-1043 (2009).
Schlack A, Krekelberg B, Albright TD. Speed Perception during Acceleration and Deceleration. Journal of Vision 8 (8):1-11 (2008).
Krekelberg B. Perception of Direction is not Compensated for Neural Latency. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31:208-209 (2008).
Kaminiarz A, Krekelberg B, Bremmer F. Expansion of visual space during optokinetic afternystagmus (OKAN) Journal of Neurophysiology 99:2470-2478 (2008).
Kourtzi Z, Krekelberg B, van Wezel RJA. Linking Form and Motion in the Primate Brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12:230-236 (2008).
Schlack A, Krekelberg B, Albright, TD. Recent history of stimulus speeds affects the speed tuning of neurons in area MT. Journal of Neuroscience 27:11009-11018 (2007).
Dobkins K, Rezec A, Krekelberg B. Effects of Spatial Attention and Salience Cues on Chromatic and Achromatic Motion Processing. Vision Research 47:1893-1906 (2007).
Kaminiarz A, Krekelberg B, Bremmer F. Localization of Visual Targets during Optokinetic Eye Movements. Vision Research 47: 869-878 (2007).
Krekelberg B, van Wezel RJA, Albright TD. Interactions between Speed and Contrast Tuning in MT: Vector Average of MT Activity does not account for Speed Perception. Journal of Neuroscience 26: 8988-8998 (2006).
Krekelberg B, Boynton GM, van Wezel RJ. Adaptation: from single cells to BOLD signals. Trends in Neuroscience 29:250-256 (2006).
Krekelberg B, van Wezel RJA, Albright TD. Speed adaptation in macaque MT reduces perceived speed but improves discriminability. Journal of Neurophysiology. 95:255-270 (2006).
Krekelberg B, Vatakis A, Kourtzi Z. Implied Motion from Form in the Human Visual Cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 94:4373-4386 (2005)
Krekelberg B, Albright TD. Motion mechanisms in macaque MT. Journal of Neurophysiology 93, 2908-2921 (2005).
Rezec A, Krekelberg B, and Dobkins KR. Attention enhances adaptability: evidence from motion adaptation experiments. Vision Research 44: 3035-3044 (2004).
Kleiser R, Seitz RJ, Krekelberg B. Neural correlates of saccadic suppression in humans. Current Biology 14:386-390 (2004).
Krekelberg B, Dannenberg S, Hoffmann KP, Bremmer F, Ross J. Neural correlates of implied motion. Nature 424, 674-7 (2003).
Krekelberg B. Sound and vision. Trends in Cognitive Science 7, 277- 79 (2003).
Krekelberg B, Kubischik M, Hoffmann KP, Bremmer F. Neural correlates of visual localization and perisaccadic mislocalization. Neuron 37, 537-45 (2003).
Bremmer F, Krekelberg B. Seeing and acting at the same time: challenges for brain (and) research. Neuron 38, 367-70 (2003).
Krekelberg B, Lappe M. Response: Untangling spatial from temporal illusions. Trends in Neuroscience 25, 294 (2002).
Krekelberg B, Lappe M. Neuronal latencies and the position of moving objects. Trends in Neuroscience 24, 335-9 (2001).
Krekelberg B. The persistence of position. Vision Research 41, 529-39 (2001).
Althoefer K, Krekelberg B, Husmeier D, Seniveratne LA. Reinforcement learning navigator for robotic manipulators. Neurocomputing 37, 51-70 (2001).
Lappe M, Awater H, Krekelberg B. Postsaccadic visual references generate presaccadic compression of space. Nature 403, 892-5 (2000).
Krekelberg B, Lappe M. The position of moving objects. Science 289, 1107 (2000).
Krekelberg B, Lappe M. A model of the perceived relative positions of moving objects based upon a slow averaging process. Vision Research 40, 201-215 (2000).
Krekelberg B, Paolini M, Bremmer F, Lappe M, Hoffmann KP. Deconstructing the receptive field: information coding in macaque area MST. Neurocomputing 38-40, 249-254 (2000).
Krekelberg B, Lappe M. Temporal recruitment along the trajectory of moving objects and the perception of position. Vision Research 39, 2669-79 (1999).
Lappe M, Krekelberg B. The position of moving objects. Perception 27, 1437-1449 (1998).
Althoefer K, Seniveratne L, Zavlangas P, Krekelberg B. Fuzzy navigation for robotic manipulators. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Intelligence 6, 179-188 (1998).
Krekelberg B, Taylor JG. Nitric oxide: what can it compute? Network: Computation in Neural Systems 8, 1-16 (1997).
Krekelberg B, Taylor JG. Nitric oxide in cortical map formation. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 10, 191-196 (1996).